Increase your intercultural competence to better support the multilingual children in your classroom.
Intensivkurs / Creating a culturally sensitive classroom
Four weeks live online training to create a culturally sensitive learning environment from meals to family talks to resolving conflicts.
Mehrsprachigkeit / Multilingual Children
Two hours live online training to gain an overview of how to support multilingual children through family engagement, environmental support and conversation and interaction.
Mahlzeiten / Lunch Time
Two hours live online training where you learn to design meals and snack time for all children in a culturally relevant manner.
Bücher / Books
Two hours live online training to learn how to select children's books in a culturally aware way and how to recognize and deal with “problematic” content.
Familien / Families
Two hours live online training about family relationship, its importance for student well-being and success and how to increase family engagement for a culturally relevant classroom.
Vorschule / Preparing for school
Two hours live online training that focusses on specific support that children receive the last year before attending elementary school.
Eingewöhnung / Transition
Two hours live online training to understand how to support the settling-in process in a culturally sensitive way.